Endometrial Ablation

Endometrial Ablation | Dr Mandana Master | Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Endometrial Ablation in Adelaide

Endometrial ablation is a procedure used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding in women who have not responded to other treatments such as medication or hormone therapy. Heavy menstrual bleeding can be a debilitating condition that affects a woman's quality of life, causing pain, fatigue, and anaemia. 

The procedure involves the removal or destruction of the endometrial lining of the uterus, which is the tissue that grows and sheds during menstruation. Endometrial ablation can be performed using different techniques, including thermal ablation, electrical ablation, and radiofrequency ablation.

Thermal ablation involves the use of heat to remove the endometrial lining. This can be done using various methods, such as microwave energy, heated fluid, or a heated balloon. Electrical ablation, on the other hand, uses an electric current to remove the lining. Radio-frequency ablation uses high-frequency energy to destroy the lining.

Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure, which means it does not involve any cuts to the vagina or abdomen. Instead, a thin device is inserted into the uterus through the cervix. The device delivers the energy required to remove the endometrial lining.

The procedure is usually performed under local or general anaesthesia, and patients can often go home on the same day.  Endometrial ablation is a safe and effective treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding. It has a success rate of up to 90%, with most women experiencing a significant reduction in bleeding or even complete cessation of their periods. The procedure has a low complication rate, and most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days.

The procedure is not suitable for all women, and some may not be candidates for the procedure due to factors such as the size or shape of the uterus, previous surgeries, or certain medical conditions. Women who undergo endometrial ablation should use contraception, as pregnancy after the procedure can be dangerous.

In summary, it's a less invasive alternative to hysterectomy for women suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding. It is a safe and effective procedure with a high success rate, minimal complications, and a short recovery time. If you are experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding, speak to your doctor to see if the treatment is right for you.

For more information about endometrial ablation, or to arrange a consultation with Dr Mandana Master at Burnside Women’s Health in Adelaide, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (08) 8364 3642, or fill in the contact form below.

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